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Get Paid To Process Emails Instructions

Last Edited: June 8, 2012

Congratulations on your purchase. Please follow this easy, step-by-step system that will show you exactly how you can earn  $25.00 for each e-mail you process from the comfort of your home or office. You will not be spamming in order to be paid for processing e-mails--all that's required, is that you have an Internet connection, a working e-mail account, and the ambition to succeed.

To make $1000/day, you will need to process 40 emails a day.

Please note:  there are no minimum requirements here, so if you don't care to make $1000 a day, then you may process less than 40 emails a day.  You determine how many emails you would like to process, based on how much money you want to make.  The freedom is all yours.

 In just five simple steps, you will learn how e-mail processing is a convenient, fun, and an extremely easy way to earn money through the Internet.

 All it takes to process an email is an advertisement, a "copy and paste" letter to send in
 response to ads, and a payment method for you to receive your money.

Email Processing Homebiz offers THREE categories of Email Processors namely, The Basic Email Processors, The Freelance Email Processors and The Manager Associates of  Email Processing. The first two categories above are for the Internet Novice requiring no website while the Manager Associate Category is for the Internet savvy requiring a website. The Step-by-step instructions Method #1 below explains The Basic Email processing, method #2 explains The Freelance Email Processing, while method #3 explains the Manager Associate category.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Method #1 (The Basic Email Processing)


There are thousand of Companies around the world that spend huge amounts of money trying to  understanding how people think and shop, why they buy certain products, etc. Ultimately this  information helps companies improve their products and services and make THEM more money. You can become an integral part of this process and get paid for your valuable time and opinions. This is the basic email processing.


Step 1.   Click the link below to access the Work From Home Directory:


Step 2.   This Directory is a huge list of companies willing to pay you to take surveys, read emails, shop, eat, etc. Log onto as many company sites as possible to register. Note: The more companies you register with, the more emails you will process.


Step 3.    You can also go to the following website:  for more companies, including those that offer:




There are specific instructions on how to contact them and participate.



 Step-by-Step Instructions

Method #2 (Freelance Email Processing)

Here's how it works: you place an ad (we provide examples) promoting our "Work From Home Directory" in a variety of free, Web-based classifieds. People read your ad, send you an e-mail response along with $25.00, and you reply by attaching the "Work From Home Directory" to a cut-and-paste email reply. It's that easy!

 Thousands of people are looking to work from home--the demand is greater than ever. Not only will you have the good fortune to be doing it, you'll be helping others, too. Below are the five simple steps you must complete to start earning money:

     1. Select Your Payment Method
     2. Create Your Advertisement
     3. Place Your Advertisement in Online Classifieds--FREE
     4. Start Receiving Payments from Interested Prospects
     5. Process the E-mails

 We are happy to help its members by giving them a remarkable way to earn a living right from home. Not only will you join the ranks of thousands who telecommute to work, you’ll recover your membership fee after processing just one email. Use your potential to its maximum, and enjoy the benefits of working from your own home.


Step 1.   Create a Paypal Account

 By now you're thinking, "When can I start?" But before you do anything else, you'll want to set up a payment method. After all, you want to make sure you're ready to receive your money--it’ll be coming in before you know it.

 You are more than welcome to open an account with an alternative online payment merchant  such as Moneybooker, Alertpay or E-gold. We have used Paypal with great success and would highly recommend them. It is free, easy to use, and secure and guarantees you will get paid via email, directly into your bank account.

 Here's how to setup a paypal account:

 1. Click Here:

2. Click the 'Sign Up Now' button located at the top centre of the page.

3. Choose a Personal, Premier or Business account.
    We would suggest the Premier or Business accounts for processing e-mails as it allows payments from debit or credit cards. However, you can still begin by opening a personal account and later upgrading your account to allow these payment methods.

4. Select your country from the drop down menu then click continue.

5. Enter your details then click continue.

6. You're all done!

 Congratulations, you're ready to accept payments online from across the globe.
 Interested prospects who read your advertisement can instantly send you $25.00 over the  Internet, and you  won't have to lift a finger to make sure it arrives in your bank account.

 If you do not wish to receive payments via the Internet, you can also receive them through  checks or money orders. You are also more than welcome to arrange your own payment method

Step 2. Creating Your Personal Advertisement:

 The next step is the most important: you need to create your personal advertisement.

 It will be posted in FREE classifieds on  the Internet to promote interest in the "Work From  Home  Directory." Thousands of people will  read your ad and will pay you for this report!
 Then you just need to process the email and send  them the report.

 Below are some example ads that you may use. Remember, these sample ads are just  models you may find that writing your own ad is an enjoyable way to
increase and improve the  profits you earn through e-mail processing. Your ad is what attracts interested prospects to pay  for your information, so it should be straightforward, informative, and exciting.

 The quality of your personal Advertisements are critical to your success!

 Here are some important tips on successful ad writing:

     - Make sure your contact and payment information is easy to understand

     - Make sure to stress the benefits of the "Work From Home Directory" with enthusiasm

     - Keep it short; stay between 2-7 lines


 Example 1

     Looking for a way to earn great money online? Make $1000's monthly with over 600
     work-at-home firms listed in our report. These companies need survey takers, mystery      shoppers and more ...Get paid to do what you love without stepping foot into an office! For      the complete report, please pay $25.00 via credit card to [insert your online payment      information] and we will send you the information to your e-mail address. You may also send a      payment via check or money order to [insert your mailing address here]. Please e-mail [insert      your e-mail address here] for additional information.

 Example 2

     How would you like to get paid to do work you love from the comfort of your own home?
    Over 600 work-at-home firms want to pay you to work. For the complete report of over 600 firms please pay $25.00 via paypal to (your email address here) and we will send the information to your e-mail address. Please e-mail for additional information.

 Example 3

     Enjoy getting paid for working from the comfort of your own home or office. Simply pay $25.00 via paypal to (your email address here) for a complete report of over 670 work-at-home firms! Please e-mail for additional information.

 Example 4 - Short ad listing

 Earn $1000s From Home!
 Get listings of 600+ Work at Home companies!
 You won't believe how easy it really is...
 Paypal $25 to (your email address here)
 for Report or email for more info.

 You are welcome to create any style of advertisement you like. Ultimately the success of the Ad  is in your hands so please feel free to experiment and create alternative's. These examples have  just been inlcuded to give you a head start.


 If you are using Paypal as your online payment option, where it states [insert your online  payment information], this is where you place your Paypal e-mail address. This enables  interested people to pay you directly via your paypal account.

 Your Paypal e-mail address is the e-mail address you use to login to your Paypal account.

 If you wish to be paid via Check or Money Order, where it states [your mailing address here],  this is where you place your mailing address in order to receive payments.


 Step 3. Placing Your Advertisement in the FREE Classifieds Provided

 After writing your personal advertisement, you must begin promoting it. The best place to start  placing your personal advertisement is in the FREE online classifieds below. Remember, the more  ads you place, the more prospects you are bound to receive--it's just common sense.

 The amount of e-mails you can process is determined by how hard you are willing to work. The  more e-mails you want to process the more ads you should place.

 We give you complete rights to use our Work At Home Directory for your personal use and for  you to give to the clients that have paid you.

 To place your ad, simply follow a link from the list below and read the instructions on the page.  You won't pay anything to post your ad--but you might get paid hundreds of dollars for placing it.

 Free Classified Advertisement Sites Below:


 Free Classified Ad Submitter's:



 Step 4. Receiving Payments from Interested Prospects

 Interested prospects will view your advertisements in the free classifieds and if interested they  will request the "Work From Home Directory" of firms listed in your ad.

 When you are paid by an interested prospect to your online account, you will receive a  confirmation e-mail stating that
"You've Got Cash!".

 Now it's time to process the e-mail. But don't worry--it couldn't be simpler. In the fifth and final  step, we will explain just how easy it is to process an email from an interested prospect.

 All you have to do is cut and paste!

 Step 5. Processing the E-mail:

 After receiving a confirmation e-mail stating that "You've Got Cash!", simply reply to each  interested prospect by sending a brief form letter and attaching the "Work From Home  Directory." Please use a similar message to the example below as your reply.
 Just cut, paste, attach, and you've  earned an easy $25.00!

 This is how your reply should read:



 Thank you for your purchase.

 Please find attached the Work From Home Directory in pdf format.

 In order to open this file you will require the free Acrobat reader
 which can be downloaded directly from the Adobe website.


 [Your name]

 <------CUT AND PASTE ENDS------>

 Note: Make sure you attach the Work From Home Directory to the email as this is what the  customer has paid for.

If you do not know how to attach documents to an email, you may simply include the document links in your message body as follows: 



 Thank you for your purchase.

 To access the Work From Home Directory please go to the following website: or for downloads


 [Your name]

 <------CUT AND PASTE ENDS------>


 It's really that simple!

 But . . . what if an interested prospect simply asks for more information?
 He or she may not be ready to pay for the the "Work From Home Directory" without learning a  little bit more.

 No problem: just send them the following response:

 Response for information:



 Thank you for your interest in our Work From Home Directory.

 By following a few simple instructions, you can become a part of one of the best work-from-home  resources on the Internet. In just days, you could be making $1000's without leaving your home  or interrupting the lifestyle you love.

 You can make up to $150 an hour by simply completing market research, online surveys and  readying emails. But let me stress I'm not going to lie to you and say you'll make $150 an hour  all day every day, or make $10,000+ every month - because you won't.... but when you can  make up to $150 an hour you don't NEED to work that much!

 There are thousand of Companies around the world that spend huge amounts of money trying to  understanding how people think and shop, why they buy certain products, etc. Ultimately this  information helps companies improve their products and services and make THEM more money.
 You can become an integral part of this process and get paid for your valuable time and opinions.

 The Work From Home Directory was designed to help and assist those people who want to find  legitimate work at home jobs and/or an online home business. This is a new and growing trend  throughout our global business world and an exciting opportunity for those interested.

 If you would like access to the Work From Home Directory, please pay $25.00 via credit card to  [insert your online payment information] and we will send you the information to your e-mail  address.

 Alternatively, you may also send a check or money order to [insert your mailing address here]  and we will send the information to your e-mail address.

 Best Regards,

 [Your name]

 <------CUT AND PASTE ENDS------>


Step-by-Step Instructions

Method #3

This method is for the Internet savvy. It involves creating your own websites and promoting your own version of Email Processing HomeBiz. The websites are already built for you. All that is required of you is to edit and upload them to your server using a File Transfer program.

STEP 1   Click here to download your Email processing Website. Your website is professionally designed. You will need a WinZip or similar Program to download it. When downloaded, open the WinZip and extract all files. The extracted files should be in one folder named 'EP-Websites'. Inside this folder is another folder named 'images' and 5 HTML files named 'index', 'members' 'faq', 'tou' and 'testimonials' files.

STEP 2   Editing your sites:  Log into your Paypal Account and create a 'Buy Now' payment link for $25.00. With the help of a website editor like 'Microsoft Front Page' copy and paste the link onto your index website at the appropriate positions. You must also indicate your contact email address for your prospects to contact you when they need to. To edit your members site all you really need to do is to insert your contact email address at the appropriate places at the bottom & top of the 'member' file page. As a guide, edit all information written in red ink.

NOTE: You will also have to delete all information regarding the 'Free Business Set-up' unless you're already a GDI member and wish to use it to build your GDI downline. In which case you will have to edit it to provide free set up for your clients yourself.


With respect to the 3 other files, faq, tou and tesimonials, no editing is required other than to insert your contact email address at the appropriate places.

STEP 3    Uploading your sites: With the help of your FTP program, simply upload the 'images' folder and all the other HTML files to the root directory of your domain..

If done properly, your email processing homepage can be viewed at:  Whlie your members site will be at:  Note that refers to your domain name.

Remember when creating your paypal 'Buy Now' link to redirect all successful payments to your members site at:  This ensures that your business runs on auto pilot and makes money for you 24/7 even while you're sleeping or on vacation. But you will need to remember to set your Paypal Website Payment Preference to 'Auto-Return'. This means that your email processing task is effectively cut off. All you do now is promote your business and direct prospects to your website. As a Manager Associate in email processing, you do little or no email processing but assist others to email-process.

At this level, the contents of your promotional ads will be slightly different from those illustrated above. Here again, we have done most of the work for you. All you need do is cut and paste. Click Here to download your Sample ad copies.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Following conditions apply

  1. As an Email Processor, your minimum selling price must not be less than $15 per "Work From  Home  Directory"

  2. As a Manager Associate, your minimum selling price must not be less than $25 per Membership


Take Your Time

Many of you will like to set-off immediately as Manager Associates. This is fine especially if you're not new on the internet. But if you're a complete novice, we suggest you take your time and commence your business as an Email Processor first. When you're ready to upgrade yourself, you will need some knowledge in Hosting Accounts & Domain management. Here we strongly recommend Cpanel Basic Videos. The first thing you will require is a hosting account and a Domain name. What is a domain name?  A Domain name is whatever name you want to call your new business, e.g.,,, etc. Usually, to obtain a domain name, you will be charged a yearly subscription fee, while a monthly subscription fee is usually charged for a Hosting Account.

If you require professional help, we can help to set your business up. It will cost you $25. This will involve editing and uploading your site at your website domain. Interested persons should first email us at Contac Us to find out if we are available for the job and indicate your interest. We will then reply back to request payment and some other details from you.

Free Business Set-up

Again, if you require professional help, alternatively we may be able to setup your business free of charge on one condition.Click on link and send me an E-mail  Jim R Cole from this Link. If you do, you will receive from Jim R Cole a Hosting Account and a Domain name. This will cost you $10 per Month. However, if you signup now you will pay nothing (Trial Period) for the next seven days.

It is also recommended you join WealthFormula21(WF21) via this link:

  1. It's free to join.

  2. You Receive 50,000 Fresh Opt-in leads instantly.

  3. You also Receive 25,000 Full Data Fresh Opt-in Leads every Month

  4. You utilise a Powerful System that Intelligently builds your down-line in all the included programs.

  5. It uses viral marketing principles to build your income exponentially.

  6. Confidence of Success Through Comprehensive Videos and Live Training Sessions

  7. Build A Business Empire Of Massive Income Streams In Lightening Speed Using The 21st Century Wealth Formula


If this is agreeable to you, and you want us to setup your business free of charge, this is what you do:

  • Click here to signup with Jim R Cole. During the process of signing up, you will be required to select a Username. This is going to be your Domain Name. That is, the name you like to give to your new Business. For example, if you choose easymoney as your username, your business will be located at If you choose Emailprohomebiz, your site will be located at, etc. You're free to choose any name you like. "If it is available, you will have it."Click Here to signup with WF21.

  • Then send me an email at indicating your interest. Also provide proof or evidence of your new membership with Jim R Cole. We will then reply back to request other details from you.


  1. Your website will look exactly like this:   complete with your payment link and personal details.

  2. Your Members Site will look exactly like this one, complete with your personal details and your GDI, and WF21 referral links. So that those you signup will join these programs under you.

  3. Don't worry, I will provide the same 'Free Business Set-up' for all those that join these programs under you (i.e. via your referral links) as long as you have joined under me, unless you are able to do it yourself.


E-mail processing is a revolutionary way to earn money from the comfort of your home or office.  This is not a "get rich quick" scheme. The amount of e-mails you can process daily depends entirely upon the time and ambition you put into the program. Remember, the more ads you place, the more e-mails you are likely to process, and the more money you will make.

The link below gives you access to The Global Members Area. You will need to signup and create an account in order to access the site. All the advertised and non-advertised bonuses can be found here. You will also be introduced to a new concept in human evolution that will catapult you to a Millionaire status in the shortest possible time.

Welcome aboard!


Members Only Site

(For Fantastic Benefits)

Click Here To Access Members Only Site


Password: membersonly

Click Here To Access The Directory Site

Click Here To Access The Directory In Pdf